Mondo Service FedEx Location

FedEx customer pick up a box
Get directions to FedEx OnSite at PIAZZA BENEDETTO XV Casoria,
FedEx customer pick up a box

    In-store services

    • Express drop off
    • Hold Express package for pickup
    • Hold service offered on Saturday
    • Saturday service

    Validate that your package is suitable for drop-off

    Depending on the size and weight, content of the shipment or possible documentation required, it’s best to check if your package will be accepted.

    Visit the Casoria FedEx shipping location at PIAZZA BENEDETTO XV

    Visit our retail points all around Italy to easily drop off and receive your labelled FedEx shipments.

    Useful information

    How to pack

    Ensuring your goods are packed and labeled correctly reduces the risk of damage or delay. Check out these guides on how to wrap, pack and label your goods. 

    How to open a FedEx account

    Whether you're a business or an individual shipper, you save 40% when registering for a FedEx account with your credit card.

    How to clear customs

    FedEx can provide everything you need to help you to complete key documentation, build your knowledge and ensure your shipments arrive on time.
    FedEx employee answering to the phone


    We are here to help you with all your questions regarding FedEx services.

    Track the status of your FedEx package

    Enter a FedEx tracking or door tag number below.

    Nearby locations