FedEx Office locations
Use our locator to find a FedEx location near you or browse our directory.

FedEx Office coupons, offers and deals
See a complete list of coupons, offers, promotions and deals available to you, and save on your next purchase.
Print documents, presentations, posters and more
Try the new version of Print Online: ready to use from any device, easier ordering, and improved interface. Browse products,
Ship personal and business packages
Ship your package with standard, express or international shipping options. Plus, FedEx Office can handle the packing for you.
Hold your package at FedEx Office
Request to redirect your package for pickup at a convenient location. We'll hold it there for up to 5 business days.
We can pack all sorts of items
The pros at FedEx Office successfully pack and ship items of all shapes and sizes. Discover just a few of the things we can pack with ease.