FedEx OnSite Krave Smoke & Convenience

customer and FedEx employee interacting with package
Obtenir un itinéraire vers FedEx OnSite au 1355 Richards St, Vancouver, BC
customer and FedEx employee interacting with package

    Services en magasin

    • Expédition Express
    • Expédition par voie terrestre
    • Retenir le colis Express pour ramassage
    • Retenir le colis Ground pour le ramassage
    • Service de retenue offert le samedi
    • Service le samedi
    • Service le dimanche

    Visit the FedEx location inside Krave Smoke & Convenience at 1355 Richards St, Vancouver, BC

    Please note that store hours may be subject to change without notice. To get the latest information on store hours and closures, please visit the store’s website.

    FedEx courier holding a package

    FedEx location at 1355 Richards St, Vancouver, BC

    You can pick up and drop off your pre-packaged, pre-labelled FedEx Express and FedEx Ground packages at convenient, staffed locations near where you live, shop and work.

    Faire le suivi de votre colis FedEx

    Entrez un numéro de suivi ou d’avis à la porte FedEx ci-dessous.

    Comptoirs proches