FedEx Express FR

FedEx customer passing a box to FedEx employee
Obtiens des itinéraires à FedEx Express FR à Rue du buisson du roi Le Meux,  Link Opens in New Tab
FedEx customer passing a box to FedEx employee

    Services disponibles

    • Service le samedi

    Visit the Le Meux FedEx shipping location at Rue du buisson du roi

    Send your packages to their destination on time and on budget with confidence. We have the solutions to support your shipping needs, so get in touch with the team at FedEx and see how we can help.

    Offers & deals

    FedEx employee wearing a hat and holding a package

    FedEx Express FR at Rue du buisson du roi

    Connecting Europe for more than 35 years, FedEx Express connects people and possibilities, offering customers the benefits of access to the world’s largest air express network and an unparalleled European road network.

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    Saisissez un numéro de suivi ou d’avis de passage FedEx ci-dessous.

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