Find FedEx locations - Austria
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Pick-up or drop-off a package near you
You can collect, drop off or return a parcel. Choose from hundreds of FedEx locations nationwide. Both domestic and international shipments are accepted.
How does FedEx drop off work?
Pack and seal your package
Tape all the package seams securely. Make sure the package is in good condition and all old labels and barcodes are blacked out. The package should weigh 20 KG or less, and max. dimensions are 37 CM x 41 CM x 61 CM. Get tips on packing.
Attach your shipping label
Easily create a label online. If you already have a label, you're good to go. Attach the label on the biggest surface of the package and try not to put it across any seams or edges.
Drop off at a location near you
Take your package and drop off at a location partnering with FedEx or an available FedEx Station. To check whether your package is suitable for drop-off, enter your tracking number here first.
FedEx locations - Austria
- Absam
- Alkoven
- Altglandorf
- Amstetten
- Anif
- Ansfelden
- Anthering
- Arnoldstein
- Attnang-Puchheim
- Bad Radkersburg
- Baden
- Bergheim
- Berndorf
- Bischofshofen
- Bludenz
- Braunau
- Bruck An Der Leitha
- Bruck An Der Mur
- Brunn Am Gebirge
- Buers
- Deutschlandsberg
- Dornbirn
- Ebenfurth
- Eferding
- Eggelsberg
- Eisenstadt
- Enns
- Eugendorf
- Feldbach
- Feldkirch
- Feldkirchen
- Fischamend
- Fohnsdorf
- Freistadt
- Fuerstenfeld
- Fussach
- Gaenserndorf
- Gerasdorf Bei Wien
- Glasenbach
- Gleisdorf
- Gloggnitz
- Gmunden
- Goetzis
- Graz
- Gross-Enzersdorf
- Guntramsdorf
- Hainburg An Der Donau
- Hall In Tirol
- Hallein
- Hard
- Hartberg
- Herzogenburg
- Hoerbranz
- Hollabrunn
- Horn
- Innsbruck
- Jenbach
- Judenburg
- Judendorf-Strassengel
- Kaindorf
- Kalsdorf
- Kalsdorf Bei Graz
- Kapfenberg
- Katsdorf
- Kirchdorf An Der Krems
- Kitzbuehel
- Klagenfurt
- Klosterneuburg
- Knittelfeld
- Koeflach
- Korneuburg
- Kottingbrunn
- Krems
- Krems An Der Donau
- Krumpendorf
- Kufstein
- Laakirchen
- Lambach
- Lamprechtshausen
- Landeck
- Langenzersdorf
- Lenzing
- Leoben
- Leonding
- Lienz
- Liezen
- Linz
- Lustenau
- Marchtrenk
- Mattersburg
- Mattighofen
- Mistelbach
- Mittersill
- Moedling
- Muerzzuschlag
- Neulengbach
- Neunkirchen
- Neusiedl Am See
- Oberndorf Bei Salzburg
- Oberpullendorf
- Obertrum Am See
- Oberwart
- Ottensheim
- Perchtoldsdorf
- Perg
- Pinkafeld
- Poysdorf
- Pregarten
- Puchenau
- Purkersdorf
- Raaba
- Rankweil
- Ried Im Innkreis
- Rohrbach
- Rum
- Salzburg
- Sankt Lorenzen
- Sankt Poelten
- Sankt Valentin
- Schwaz
- Schwechat
- Seeboden
- Seekirchen-Mattsee
- Seewalchen Am Attersee
- Seiersberg
- Sollenau
- Spittal An Der Drau
- St Florian
- St Johann In Tirol
- St Poelten
- Steyr
- Stockerau
- Strasswalchen
- Tamsweg
- Telfs
- Ternitz
- Thalheim Bei Wels
- Timelkam
- Traiskirchen
- Traun
- Trofaiach
- Tulln
- Vienna
- Villach
- Voecklabruck
- Voelkermarkt
- Voesendorf
- Voitsberg
- Vorchdorf
- Wals
- Wattens
- Weigelsdorf
- Weiz
- Wels
- Wiener Neudorf
- Wiener Neustadt
- Woergl
- Wolfsberg
- Wolkersdorf Im Weinviert
- Ybbs An Der Donau
- Zell Am See
- Zeltweg
- Zirl
- Zwettl