FedEx OnSite

FedEx customer passing a box to FedEx employee
Get directions to FedEx OnSite at Jana Pawła II 30 /5 Pultusk,
FedEx customer passing a box to FedEx employee
  • Max package weight: 25 KG

In-store services

  • Express drop off

Validate that your package is suitable for drop-off

Depending on the size and weight, content of the shipment or possible documentation required, it’s best to check if your package will be accepted.

Visit the Pultusk FedEx Shipping Location at Jana Pawła II 30 /5

Send your packages to their destination on time and on budget with confidence. We have the solutions to support your shipping needs, so get in touch with the team at FedEx and see how we can help.

Offers & deals

Text box with purple background
FedEx employee wearing a hat and holding a package

FedEx Express Poland at Jana Pawła II 30 /5

Connecting Europe for more than 35 years, FedEx Express connects people and possibilities, offering customers the benefits of access to the world’s largest air express network and an unparalleled European road network.

Track the status of your FedEx package

Enter a FedEx tracking or door tag number below.

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