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FedEx Air Freight Center
In-store services
- Dangerous goods shipping
- Saturday service
- Air freight service
Visit the Chicago, IL FedEx Air Freight Center at 612 N Access Rd
Visit the FedEx Air Freight Center in Chicago, IL when you need freight shipping services. You can also have your FedEx freight shipments held for pickup at this location at 612 N Access Rd. Any shipment over 150 lbs. is considered freight. Create a shipping label now.
A person in a hard hat holding a clipboard and pen
Make shipping across borders easier
Get a hand from the FedEx International Shipping Assist tool. It provides your estimated Harmonized System code and blank copies of customs documents.
Two people looking at a box
Prep your freight for the flight
Learn how to properly package, secure, and label your global freight. It could make a world of difference during your shipmentâs journey.
A person looking at a phone
Simplify the journey with short videos
Find the guidance you need to ship with confidence. Get international shipping tips on topics like avoiding delays and filing export documents.
Track the status of your FedEx package
Enter a FedEx tracking or door tag number below.
612 N Access Rd
Chicago, IL