FedEx locations - FedEx Delivery Manager
Use our locator to find a FedEx location near you or browse our directory.

Pick up where it’s convenient
Ask us to redirect your deliveries to one of the thousands of nearby FedEx Office, Walgreens, select Dollar General, and grocery store locations. We’ll hold your packages safely and securely for pickup.
FedEx Delivery Manager gives you a calendar view of all inbound and outbound deliveries. It also provides you with proactive notifications every step of the way - via text, emails and even phone.
Options & flexibility
Request when and where your packages are delivered with FedEx Delivery Manager. Change the delivery address to your office, or a nearby FedEx location for pickup.
With FedEx Delivery Manager, you can also request the delivery time that's best for you in two-hour window time frames.
FedEx Hold for Pickup
More convenient pickup options at no extra charge to you. Have your package kept securely and ready for pickup at your convenience at a nearby FedEx Office, Walgreens, Dollar General, and grocery store locations.