Find FedEx locations - Chilton
FedEx can ship for less than the Post Office
Two-day retail shipping, one flat rate. FedEx One Rate®. Exclusions apply. Visit for details.
Hassle-free returns are here
Drop off your package at a FedEx Office or participating retail location. There's no need to bring a shipping label if you have a merchant QR code for the return. Scan, print, and ship in store.
Receive deliveries on your terms
- Want it dropped off at a side door? Leave instructions for your driver.
- Won't be home to sign for your package? Do it virtually.
- Going on vacation? Place a hold and get your package when you're back.
Find your FedEx Air Freight Center
Need to schedule an air freight drop off? Use our FedEx Global Air Freight Locator app to see local FedEx Air Freight Centers. A simple search will show you locations within 50 miles.
Copy & print services
Take advantage of self-service copying and full-service printing services at FedEx Office in Chilton. Learn about our latest offers and special deals at FedEx Office. Or start your order online for in-store pickup within 24 hours.
Boxes & packaging
Spend less time looking for just the right box. No more wondering how you'll get it there or if it will make it in one piece. When you have something to pack, bring it to the pros in Chilton and get exactly what you need, along with ultimate peace of mind.
Business card printing
Order high-quality, full-color custom business cards at any FedEx Office in Chilton, WI. Personalize your cards to match your brand identity. Stop by any of our locations or place your order online for expert printing with quick turnaround.
Shipping & delivery
We can help you choose your shipping and delivery options. Learn how to schedule a FedEx delivery in Chilton, or hold your package for pickup at a nearby FedEx location.
Passport photos & expediting
Visit any FedEx Office in Chilton to get your passport photos taken and printed. Start your passport renewal or expedited application online or in-store with FedEx Office and RushMyPassport.
Hold packages for pickup
Help keep your deliveries safe when you ask us to hold packages at one of thousands of nearby FedEx locations in Chilton. Track your package to begin.