Find FedEx locations - Canada

1286 Locations

FedEx shipping services near you

Please note that store hours may be subject to change without notice. To get the latest information on store hours and closures, please visit the store's website.
FedEx customer dropping off a package at FedEx Ship Centre

In-Store Shipping, Pickup & Drop off

FedEx Ship Centres

The shipping specialists at these locations will help you prepare and ship your intra-Canada and international packages, including approved dangerous goods or hold them for pickup. Plus, you'll enjoy the flexibility of later drop-off times.

FedEx Authorized ShipCentre signage in window

In-Store Shipping, Pickup & Drop off

FedEx Authorized ShipCentres®

Ship or drop off your FedEx Express and FedEx Ground* intra-Canada and international packages at these staffed locations in your neighbourhood. You can also have your packages held for pickup at select locations.

*FedEx Ground service only available at select locations.

A FedEx customer picking up a package

In-Store Pickup & Drop off only

FedEx Onsite Locations

You can pick up and drop off your pre-packaged, pre-labelled FedEx Express and FedEx Ground packages at convenient, staffed locations near where you live, shop and work.

FedEx drop box

Self-Service Drop off

FedEx® Drop Boxes

With drop boxes located in office buildings, shopping malls and other convenient locations, there's always a place nearby to drop off your FedEx Express and FedEx Ground packages.

How do I find a location that meets my needs?

You can find your nearest FedEx retail location using the FedEx Find Locations tool.

  1. Use the search bar to find FedEx retail locations near you.
  2. Use the buttons at the top of the page to filter and get the service you want.
  3. Select a retail location from the results list or the map to get details on the store hours, directions, services and more.

Download the FedEx® Mobile App.

Find FedEx locations and more when you're on the go.

FedEx Authorized ShipCentre Program

Join the FedEx retail network and open your doors to new business.

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Shipping Assistance

To ship, pick up, or drop off your packages at FedEx Ship Centre and FedEx Authorized ShipCentre® staffed locations, select Shipping Assistance.

In-Store Drop Off

To pick up or drop off your pre-labelled, pre-packaged shipments at staffed FedEx Onsite locations, select Drop Off.

Self-Service Drop Box

To drop off your packages at self-serve FedEx Drop Box locations, select More Filters on the right-hand side, then Location Type Filters and check FedEx Drop Box.

FedEx Drop Box

Frequently Asked Questions

Review the FAQs to learn more about FedEx retail locations.

FedEx locations - Canada