FedEx at Office Depot
In-store services
- Get a shipping label
- Express drop off
- Ground drop off
- Return shipping services
Visit the FedEx location inside Office Depot at 11398 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX
Looking for a FedEx shipping location convenient to your business or your daily commute? Visit the FedEx location inside Office Depot at 11398 Bandera Rd for FedEx shipping services. Drop off packages, get a shipping label, purchase packaging supplies, and handle other business needs, all at one convenient place.
Packing resources and supplies
Take care of all your packing and shipping needs with flexible shipping options. From boxes and envelopes to packaging pros, FedEx has everything you need to get your shipments safely packed and delivered to the right place at the right time.
FedEx shipping services
Whether you need your shipments delivered today, tomorrow, or you have more time, we have reliable service options to fit all of your shipping needs.
Customer service
Find answers, information and resources to help you with all your shipping and business needs with FedEx. Read Frequently Asked Questions, check out detailed information on our services, or contact us with any questions via email, phone or mail.
Offers & other services
FedEx at Office Depot at 11398 Bandera Rd
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Answers to your FedEx at Office Depot pickup and dropoff questions